quattroworld.com Forums: Bad Jump B5 issues?


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Bad Jump B5 issues?
Posted by: amberleelee (17281) on 2013-01-14 16:54:37

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My 2001 A4 1.8T was jumped wrong. I mean, I didn't think you could screw it up, but apparently being a tow truck driver and jumping peoples cars all day long gets confusing.
My friend tried jumping it with his 2002 TT -
While attached to the jumper cables, the car acted like it was going to turn over, but seemed like it didn't have enough power circulating to do so....

Background: Car had the entire electrical system redone right after I bought it about 3 years ago. Harness, alternator, battery - all done by Audi. Yes, it was terribly expensive.

I have been told a few different things about how this can play out.
1) Battery issues - slow charge the battery, test, put it back in - should run okay. Or, replace the battery altogether.
2) Fried electrical system
3) Fried computer

Anyone had a bad jump before?
Is your baby still alive?!?

THANK YOU for the help!!
  • Bad Jump B5 issues?  -  amberleelee  2013-01-14 16:54:37 (2267 views)
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