quattroworld.com Forums: PSA : the #becausebags / Camp allroad giveaway deal happened and its a COMPLETE package...


B6 A4 (2002 - 2005)
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PSA : the #becausebags / Camp allroad giveaway deal happened and its a COMPLETE package...
Posted by: ricam78 (9310) on 2015-05-14 11:56:09 | Moderator

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I know this air isnt for everyone, but its a high dollar setup and is all you need to convert any Audi over.

The kit will include the following:

Full Air suspension Kit
Full Management System (choose AccuAir OR Airlift)
Upgraded 243 Seamless Air Tank
Single Compressor

Register today for Camp allroad to be entered to win:

Anyone have any questions about Camp allroad that I can help answer?

  • PSA : the #becausebags / Camp allroad giveaway deal happened and its a COMPLETE package... contains picture contains url  -  ricam78  2015-05-14 11:56:09 (218 views)
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