quattroworld.com Forums: Oil Smell through HVAC - Advice/Thoughts Please


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Oil Smell through HVAC - Advice/Thoughts Please
Posted by: 1083HP (97314) on 2017-05-15 16:44:19

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Hi All,

Have an oil smell (suppose you could call it burning oil smell) coming through the HVAC when it is set to regular vent (fan only). If I turn on the A/C or press the recirculate button (with or without AC on), there is no smell.

Thoughts ? Don't have an oil leak (atleast no dripping on the driveway) and it doesn't seem to be burning oil. Anyone experienced this before ? Thoughts on what it could be ? Surely it is some sort of oil leak or oil burning situation - just wondering where/how it is entering the HVAC system and why it's gone when AC or recirculate is engaged.

'05 4.2 94k miles

Thanks for any feedback/prior experiences!
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