quattroworld.com Forums: agents carry errors and ommissions insurance


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agents carry errors and ommissions insurance
Posted by: Coloradomark (2488) on 2015-05-07 12:24:14
In Reply to: That's pretty much the what the realtor said, that if I were to back away, I would be in breech posted by EddieWillers on 2015-05-07 12:11:10

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You should have a buyer agency agreement with him/her that states what his/her fiduciary duties are. But I'm not sure their stupidity/inexperience crosses the line where you would be sucessful in making a claim.

You might talk to their managing broker (boss). I could see that you might be able to make them feel guilty enough to cover some of the added costs out of the commission that they didn't really earn.
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