quattroworld.com Forums: You might not want to go above 600cfm anyway. If you do, by code, I think you need....


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You might not want to go above 600cfm anyway. If you do, by code, I think you need....
Posted by: Pablo (699) on 2015-05-29 22:00:00
In Reply to: Are there any microwaves that have a CFM higher than 600??? posted by iconoclast on 2015-05-18 20:08:11

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to start worrying about make up air.

Also, I have a 600cfm hood and not far away is a zero clearance, wood burning fireplace. A few times the fireplace was pulling a negative draft and I did a bad job getting it started, which put a fair bit of smoke into the house. 600cfm was enough to get it cleared out in a few minutes.
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