quattroworld.com Forums: Probably not, but why worry? If you have dead and decaying roots from trees beneath,


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Probably not, but why worry? If you have dead and decaying roots from trees beneath,
Posted by: gription (987) on 2016-05-31 11:14:41
In Reply to: Is there any way to prevent mushrooms from growing in my yard? posted by Pelican Pete on 2016-05-31 10:05:15

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you are going to have mushrooms pop up from time to time. It's an indication of healthy soil and a natural eco-system.

As far as if they are edible, I wouldn't even try unless you are an expert. I have morel-like mushrooms in spots, but am freaked-out by the notion of eating them. And I like mushrooms.

If you use (or recently used) any chemical fertilizers or weed killers in the area or in an area that drains to your mushroom field I wouldn't consider eating them even if a mushroom expert deemed them edible.

Your mushrooms will decay and die back - nourishing your soil.
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