quattroworld.com Forums: Very understandable, and I can completely relate. Here's the way I think of it:


Architecture & Design/Construction/DIY
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Very understandable, and I can completely relate. Here's the way I think of it:
Posted by: Grapeking (805) on 2016-07-07 09:48:42
In Reply to: But he takes pride in posted by gription on 2016-07-06 16:05:33

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When you get a great price on a tool, but every time you use the tool you think "I should have paid $20 more and gotten the other tool" -- that's cheap.

When you get a great price on a tool, and every time you use it you feel great about the tool and the price - -that's being frugal (and smart)!

That nail gun looks like an awesome buy - and the nails too. Frugal!!
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