quattroworld.com Forums: It provides tensional strengh.


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It provides tensional strengh.
Posted by: irish21 (1253) on 2017-06-16 11:36:25
In Reply to: It's a common misconception that mesh strengthens the concrete, its purpose is crack control posted by A4inATL on 2017-05-26 22:09:48

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Concrete is extremely strong in compression but extremely weak in tension. This is why it is reinforced with steel, whether it be rebar or welded wire mesh.

When you put a load on a concrete slab, the top of the slab goes into compression and the bottom goes into tension. reinforcment is meant to go into the bottom third of the slab to help with the tensional force.

The smaller, tightly gridded mesh is more effective than widely spaced rebar when you have distributed loads.
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