quattroworld.com Forums: I have this DTA lippage leveling system I bought years ago from australia lol..


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I have this DTA lippage leveling system I bought years ago from australia lol..
Posted by: pilot345 (9252) on 2018-02-27 17:47:10
In Reply to: Thanks. Any experience with the Proleveling system? I'm using it for the first time. posted by Cab_and_wagons on 2018-02-27 13:24:47

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it was a cheaper knock off of the original "tuscan" leveling system that is really nice but super expensive. They hold the original patent, and all the other later comers to the field have to have a slightly different design.

The kit I bought works just fine, except after a while the zip tie jaws on the caps can wear out and they dont pull quite as tight. The tuscan system has stainless jaws in their caps, to prevent this, and funny enough, the DTA caps they sell now have a stainless jaw instead, it's upgraded. So I guess I can recommend them even more because they fixed the issue!

The only thing I would say about your leveling system is that instead of pulling tight with a zip tie gun they depend on the screw/rotary tightening action which I haven't liked as much in other systems I have tried like that. They work though, just harder to get a lot of tension on the cap if you happen to need it.

The DTA system I bought is still pretty cheap comparatively, and contractors direct sells them still along with tons of other great tiling gear. And you can see the DTA caps with the stainless tab now.
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