quattroworld.com Forums: Please Alex. If you're going to be so offended, be offended that:


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Please Alex. If you're going to be so offended, be offended that:
Posted by: Carmine_GT500 (3727) on 2015-04-17 09:31:11
In Reply to: People seriously got offended with that. I kind of get why... posted by afretes on 2015-04-17 09:28:01

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1) F1 still condones alcohol as a celebration.
2) That F1 still trots out women as eye candy. Shouldn't that have been banished in the PC world we live in, by the prim and proper? As the father of a daughter, isn't THAT more offensive to you.


There's nothing to talk about this year, so this is the best they've come up with.
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