quattroworld.com Forums: LOL... I agree with him... The only Prime Ministers that made it work were from the East...


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LOL... I agree with him... The only Prime Ministers that made it work were from the East...
Posted by: Jet Jockey (2155) on 2016-06-24 13:23:21
In Reply to: Sensitive posted by Egil - Welcome to 1984 on 2016-06-24 12:26:59

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Besides Egil, you are entitled to your opinion and I don't hate you for it but you are obviously an old Scottish buck stuck in your old ways and most on here think you are far right in your opinions and views so I'm not going to argue with you on these matters anymore.

BTW I do agree with you on some points like immigration and others but you and I cannot do anything about it because the political class is so rotten it would need a serious revolution perhaps even bloody one to really change things around and even then there are no guaranties it wouldn't start all over again.
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