quattroworld.com Forums: ok, great to know thanks! Then I may just go with that pair of 16-port switches =32 total


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ok, great to know thanks! Then I may just go with that pair of 16-port switches =32 total
Posted by: Mark P (1210) on 2016-07-27 10:29:28
In Reply to: Jam an Ethernet cable between the switches on any port posted by manualAvant on 2016-07-27 01:52:04

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16 will be POE, 16 non-POE.

1 port will connect to router
2 ports will connect each switch to the other (1/ea)
so 3 ports will be consumed for that, leaving 29 total. Of those 29, 16 will be POE.

Of the 16 POE, I'll have 11 POE cameras, and start with 2 POE APs, so still have 3 more POE open to grow without adding/using injectors.

Of the 16 non-POE, 3 will be used as mentioned above. 10 will run to rooms (2 of the room runs of the original 12 I mentioned are ones now having POE APs running there), which also leaves 3 more non-POE for future growth.
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