quattroworld.com Forums: The left and right handedness of the guns are problematic.


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The left and right handedness of the guns are problematic.
Posted by: Fusilier (875) on 2014-09-04 11:36:18
In Reply to: Depends on the gun. I like the AUG. I think they're great weapons. Fus seems... posted by snoogins70 on 2014-09-03 12:18:46

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And basic infantry drills like falling prone is a problem too.
The old manual of arms used to train to use the buttstock of the rifle to break your fall from a full run. Pistol grip rifles prevent this anyways, which is one of the reasons the Springfield pressed the M14 (Pre privatized springfield).

But overall, I like bullpups alot. I have a bunch and shoot them often. Almost done with my SA80 build.
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