quattroworld.com Forums: What should they talk about here king, how many guns they have?


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What should they talk about here king, how many guns they have?
Posted by: egp320i (5559) on 2015-01-20 23:45:45
In Reply to: your sig is easy to tune out. the spamming of idiotic propaganda gets old. posted by saucy on 2015-01-20 22:04:53

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Or salivating over guns they really want?

I can tell you have zero sense of humor and I could give a shit less if you tune out my sig because it's none of your concern.

If you term it a circlejerk that only means you are the pivot man.

Don't be a idiot, A picture here and there is hardly spamming.

Don't like the post? Then STFU, it's easy to do.
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