quattroworld.com Forums: The US has more incommon socioeconomically with Mexico than Australia


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The US has more incommon socioeconomically with Mexico than Australia
Posted by: nyet (2) on 2016-06-16 17:30:48 | Moderator
In Reply to: Let's Learn From Australia: Semi-Automatic Weapons Bans Work posted by TabulaRasa on 2016-06-16 16:50:50

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Especially in areas where homicide rates are high, such as Oakland and Chicago.

Comparing our violent crime rate with Australia is pure foolishness.

In addition, the vast majority of violent crime does NOT involve rifles.

And even if you could confiscate all rifles and all pistols, what makes anyone with half a brain think the violent crime rate would go down, considering the root cause of violent crime is socio-economic - income inequality, lack of opportunity, disenfranchisement (real or percieved), etc. The list is endless and well understood. NOBODY thinks firearms CAUSE violent crime.

Eliminate firearms, and you'd only end up whining about knives, like they do in the UK.

No, in short, that article is utterly full of shit.
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