quattroworld.com Forums: I generally make a point to avoid buying things that aren't verified as not from China


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I generally make a point to avoid buying things that aren't verified as not from China
Posted by: Mirror|rorriM (740) on 2018-03-15 20:05:52
In Reply to: Do you go out of your way to purchase certain items for cooking? posted by CC Rider on 2018-03-07 16:40:38

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That largely means buying from local producers for most produce. This isn't too difficult in Cambridge. The gaps are easily filled with non-local American or North American sources sold in the same stores. I do have to avoid almost all Amazon usage when it comes to food.

I'm pretty lucky to have easy access to some of the nation's top specialty stores. I can hit Julia Childs' old cheese store with a tee shot and walk to her old butcher. My spice shop is an importer who supplies other stores.

When I'm dabbling with new recipes, I usually do go shopping for something specific. My regular local stores tend to have whatever I want, but when they don't, I enjoy the hunt.
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