quattroworld.com Forums: Uh, I'm not sure where that even came from. I think most folks here would agree that you


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Uh, I'm not sure where that even came from. I think most folks here would agree that you
Posted by: SavantAvant (3147) on 2016-07-19 10:16:51
In Reply to: I don't hear you crying about the countless dead children in Syria and Libya posted by rs2coupe on 2016-07-19 01:08:03

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may have completely missed my point. My entire point was that the world seems to be in a particularly high state of chaos and unrest lately...

and as a minority myself, and with a bachelors and masters in criminal justice, and starting a 2nd masters in criminology this fall, and having lived in South America for 5 years as a young boy and multiple overseas nations during my last 35 years of military service, I can say with a measure of accuracy that I have seen how the other half lives (in such a way that most in this country have not), and can observe with a measure of accuracy that the level of civility in this country has degraded.

it is unfortunate to note how you seem to place the entire scope of blame for the death of Black folks in America on "this country". For the past 35 years, the FBI BJS (Bureau of Justice statistics) has shown that the #1 cause of death of black males in America ages 17 to 35 has been at the hands of other black males ages 17 to 35. And it's by a longshot....no other death modality for that demographic group even comes close. Not drugs, not car accidents, disease, none of those is even close. It is the side of the equation that the BLM folks don't like to talk about. And im sure they have their reasons for that. it is heartbreaking. Pretty much in the same vein of how those in my own Hispanic community don't like to talk about our own problems, either....rampant alcoholism, skyrocketing single parent birthrate, our HS dropout rate, gang involvement....but groups like La Raza don't talk about the underlying causes of those, either.

Whole 'nother discussion that could go on for days. Not gonna do that.

My point sir was that the world seems to be getting scarier lately, as evidenced by what's going on in it. That's all. I'm sorry if it came across to you in another way.
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