quattroworld.com Forums: Amazing photos! You were almost able to convey how breathtaking it is to be there in person.


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Amazing photos! You were almost able to convey how breathtaking it is to be there in person.
Posted by: ThetaTau87 (776) on 2013-07-05 10:28:54
In Reply to: Photo journal from Santorini, along with a few words ... posted by Rob O on 2013-07-03 17:07:01

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The pictures are incredible, but the reality is so much more. Great job capturing the essence.

The only bad thing about the island truly is the hoards of tourists. We were there in mid-Sept the first week of the off-season and the crowds were still fairly thick. When a cruise ship was in port we avoided anywhere touristy. 3000-10,000 people (depending on the number of ships in port) all trying to do exactly the same things at exactly the same time. No amount of money could bribe me to take a cruise on one of those cattle ships.

Against my better judgement I'm going to show these pics to my wife. They are too stunning not to! Then I'll have the devil's own job to somehow avoid not spending $10k we don't have right now on a 2nd honeymoon.
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