quattroworld.com Forums: Impressed with Adobe.


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Impressed with Adobe.
Posted by: AudiSportB5S4 (3436) on 2015-06-09 10:26:36

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Earlier this year (March) I bought Lightroom 5 from BH Photo. Shortly after purchasing LR5, I heard about LR6 from this forum and was a little bummed that I had just bought the last version at full price. Long story cut short, about 2 weeks ago I raised an inquiry on Adobe's page where this must be a pretty standard question for them so they have a template to fill out - Filled it out with receipt from BH, order number, serial, etc and a week or so later I got an email from their support staff with a link to download LR6 and a new serial! Very nice support and I was surprised it actually worked.

That's all!
  • Impressed with Adobe.  -  AudiSportB5S4  2015-06-09 10:26:36 (210 views)
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