quattroworld.com Forums: Diminished Value and Colorado or USAA?


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Diminished Value and Colorado or USAA?
Posted by: s4LEX (3500) on 2016-03-09 20:27:23
In Reply to: Any recommendations for body shop in Denver area? Someone, who evidently wishes not to be posted by doc on 2016-03-08 22:31:02

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On the subject of dented Audis -- has anyone here pursued a Diminished Value ("DV") claim with USAA, or know if there are restrictions in Colorado on DV claims? Not sure if it applies to Doc's case since he's going to have to deal with his own insurance co (since it was a hit-n-run accident), but if a formerly pristine car now has an accident history on CARFAX is it possible to claim DV? Advice appreciated if anyone has had success with this. How does one get the ball rolling?
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