quattroworld.com Forums: Didn't think to read the plugs, I'll double check that.


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Didn't think to read the plugs, I'll double check that.
Posted by: hydrochloric (84761) on 2016-02-01 15:44:30
In Reply to: Can you tell from the colour of the tip area of the plug which one(s) is/are not firing well? If so posted by UrS4boy on 2016-02-01 15:27:51

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I did use one of those spark testers, and as best I could tell under idle, the coils are all exceedingly strong, and the wires are new from EFI.

Also don't think there's anyone local to me on the US side of the border. In a few weeks I'll get my passport and can go across to try swapping parts.
post follow up

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