quattroworld.com Forums: Exactly on point as I would expect from the PRO. The Gates hose crimps used at HOH and my


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Exactly on point as I would expect from the PRO. The Gates hose crimps used at HOH and my
Posted by: scarman (7055) on 2018-02-10 11:23:21
In Reply to: I'd imagine if one end is pointing at 12 o'clock and the other at 3 they should point the same in posted by kinderutz on 2018-02-09 22:12:06

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local repair shop have threaded connections used with fittings brazed on the hose ends to allow the ends to swivel to any position until these new fittings are tightened. This removes the issue of clocking the ends properly.

Anyone who has tried to install a finely threaded banjo bolt in a fitting that must be twisted into place will recognize how important it is to have the banjo ends fit precisely as designed.
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