quattroworld.com Forums: Door Panel Removal FAQ


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Door Panel Removal FAQ
Posted by: Jimmy Pribble (1124) on 2010-03-27 09:39:15

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I noticed that the door panel removal outside link was broken, so I decided to do one in-house, since I just did this yesterday as part of my BosectomyTM project.

* medium Phillips screwdriver
* very small flat head screwdriver

No need to go to any great detail; it's so easy a caveman could do it. However, a couple of items are worth mentioning:

3. There is a small hole under the door handle cover. Insert your very small flat head screwdriver (or whatever) into that hole to get leverage for pulling off the handle cover.

8. Use that same screwdriver to remove the clip holding the door latch cable. Once the clip is removed, you can rotate the assembly until the cable is unhooked.

9. This screw is mostly hidden beneath a tear in the door fabric. It's easy to get, but it can be hard to notice.

10. IMPORTANT! Unlike some other makes and models, this door panel is hooked onto the door frame, so it has to be lifted to remove. If you try to pry it off, you will break something. Tip for the old guys, to keep from wrenching your back, get your knee under the arm rest and then raise your foot on your toes and the door will pop up. Then it can be pulled off.

Note that the driver's door will also have the memory control panel, but I think that is only one screw and one connector, so it shouldn't add much complexity to this.

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